Winkler County Public Library and Office Spaces

Project Manager 
Eric Hamilton

John “Tess” Tessendorf

Parkhill (Ashley Coco)

Winkler County 

Valued at $4,323,000, the 5,693 square-foot facility features modern landscaping with automated irrigation systems for efficient water use. The Winkler County Public Library and county office space boast a contemporary design that integrates seamlessly with the surrounding environment. The facility also includes thoughtfully designed outdoor spaces with hardscaping elements, enhancing both functionality and aesthetics. Inside, the library offers state-of-the-art resources and technology, providing an inviting and dynamic environment for the community. The project exemplifies a commitment to sustainability and innovation, ensuring it meets the needs of the community while maintaining a focus on environmental stewardship.

Fort Stockton FBO

Project Manager
Eric Hamilton

Tess Tessendorf

Pecos County

Pecos County Fixed Base Operator or FBO for short is located at the Pecos County Airport 1st established by the U.S. Military Army Air Corps in 1942.

After WWIl it was turned over to the county of Pecos and only received Minor changes and upgrades until 2022 when Pecos County, JSA

Architects and Fletco Construction worked together to modernize and improve the FBO. The original building was completely removed due to age and has since been replaced by an almost 5000 square foot modern facility with conference room, lounges, and vending. It is a respite for wary travelers flying in from all over while refueling or conducting business in ort Stockton. The overall project took about 1 year to complete and stands to serve the community of Fort Stockton and surrounding areas for decades to come.